(08) 6235 7500

School Library

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The library aims to enrich the lives and teaching and learning experience for all students. We are a busy, dynamic and inclusive place that is responsive and reactive to the needs of the school community.

We aim to make the space welcoming and dynamic one with an emphasis on creating a calm and aesthetically pleasing environment. Clearly designated areas for games, reading and study make our library a very pleasant and useable place to be.

Modern and contemporary

The library is modern and contemporary to respond to the needs of 21st century learners, and with a print and online collection of resources that underpins and supports the new curriculum. We offer a range of books that seeks to reflect the rich diversity of our student and staff population.

Strong reading culture

With a focus on fostering literacy across the school, we have an amazing fiction and non-fiction collection that supports an immensely strong reading culture. The number of students who consistently read for education and leisure at Carine is extraordinarily high.

We welcome student and staff recommendations for new books and make use of numerous book suppliers seeking to constantly update and broaden our collection.

Student and community involvement

We embrace student and community involvement in our library. Activities to encourage student enjoyment and engagement before, during and after school include:

  • Chess club with ongoing competitions
  • Follow the Dream club
  • Minecraft club
  • Board games and card games
  • Year 12 dedicated area for work, rest and study
  • Dedicated study areas
  • Relaxing and comfortable reading area
  • Student Mentor programs

Free tutoring available

The library is open from 8am-4.00pm Monday to Thursday and 8am-3.30pm on Fridays. Subject specialist teachers are available for individual tutoring before and after school every day.

Library Homework and Study Schedule Semester 1 2025

Activities and Assistance Programs Semester 1 2025

For any further information or feedback please contact the library on 6235 7539.