All photos on this site are credited to Ed Janes and 2020 Year 12 students Renee Bragge, Tilyia Peoples, Elizabeth Grayden and Yasmin Bridge
In recognition of the importance of creativity in problem solving, Carine Senior High School prioritises innovative and relevant teaching practices, including prioritising STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Maths) learning. Some focuses include:
Commencing in 2020, Carine Senior High School is now one of thirteen Western Australian public secondary schools offering an approved Selective Academic Program. For more information about the Gifted and Talented program, visit our dedicated Gifted and Talented Selective Academic Program page.
The Academic Extension Program at Carine SHS operates in Year 7 and 8 in the areas of French, English, Mathematics, Science and Humanities and Social Science (HASS), Year 9 in the areas of English, Mathematics, HASS and Science; and in English in Year 10. Students may be offered one, two, three, four or five of the Academic Extension Programs depending on their individual academic performance.
Connect is the Department of Education’s online environment which provides teachers, students and parents with secure access to a collaborative online learning environment via the internet. Click here for more information about Connect.
Our school recognises the value and importance of homework and study as integral to supporting students to achieve to their full potential. Homework is part of a planned approach by teachers to provide relevant opportunities for students to practice and extend their learning, independent of the class environment. This is also the time students would be expected to finish work not completed in class time or missed through absence. Invariably, assessment tasks require some independent work to be completed away from the classroom. In order to support the completion of homework and assessment tasks our school offers students free teacher-supervised homework and study assistance in the school library before and after school from Monday to Friday.
Carine Senior High School is a subscriber to the Study Skills Handbook
The Study Skills Handbook is an online study program that offers teachers, parents, and students access to a wide range of lessons designed to develop effective study skills and habits. The program includes units on:
To access the handbook, simply go to
Our school is committed to raising the expectations and standards of every student. At the end of each semester reporting period the Principal leads a review of Year 7-10 students Attitude, Behaviour and Effort (ABE)achievement. Students that demonstrate a high number of ‘sometimes’ and ‘seldoms’ in ABE achievement are identified by the Student Services team. The review process includes student and parent meetings and the implementation of an ABE Improvement Plan. Improvement is monitored and a report completed at the end of Term 3 and Term 4.
As part of our school’s commitment to improving the teaching and learning process, a number of teachers have embraced the Making Thinking Visible approach to teaching, meeting regularly along with teachers from the local primary schools, forming a Visible Thinking Learning Community.
Making Thinking Visible is an approach coming from Harvard University which has been trialled in schools across the globe. It makes use of many of the collaborative learning approaches developed previously, but requires teachers to analyse lessons in terms of the thinking students are required to do during the lesson. It emphasises that understanding is not a type of thinking but an outcome of thinking.
‘When we create opportunities for thinking, we must realise that students’ thinking may still be invisible to us. To make sure thinking isn’t left to chance and to provide us with the information we need in order to respond to students’ learning needs, we must also make their thinking visible.’ P27 Making Thinking Visible R Richhart, M Church, K Morrison.