(08) 6235 7500

Submit Enrolments

Click on Application for enrolment to download our application form. You are encouraged to, where possible, to complete the form.

The following documentation (minimum of 2) needs to be attached to the Application for Enrolment:

  • A current rates notice from the local council showing proof of ownership; or
  • A current lease agreement of at least three months;
  • Driver’s Licence;
  • Power – connection or account;
  • Gas – connection or account;
  • Telephone accounts;
  • Contents Insurance; or
  • Any other official documents that may support the application as proof of residence.

Additional documents that are required include:

  • Student’s Birth Certificate or Birth Extract;
  • Original or certified copies of passports of the parents and the student if born overseas;
  • Original or certified copy of visa (if applicable);
  • Current Australian Immunisation Register (AIR) Immunisation History Statement not more than two months old (Medicare);
  • Copies of Family Court or other court orders (if any);
  • Two most recent school reports; and
  • NAPLAN results.

It is also a requirement that all the information provided is accurate.


    If you are having technical issues submitting your enrolment, please ensure that your web browser is up-to-date. Please note that older tablets and phone devices may not be supported. If you continue to have issues submitting your enrolment, please email your enrolment application form and supporting documents to carine.shs@education.wa.edu.au.

    If you are having technical issues, please use our recommended web browser: Microsoft Edge