All photos on this site are credited to Ed Janes and 2020 Year 12 students Renee Bragge, Tilyia Peoples, Elizabeth Grayden and Yasmin Bridge
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The School Curriculum and Standards Authority (SCSA) sets curriculum policy directions for Kindergarten to Year 12 schooling in Western Australia.
The Western Australian Curriculum encompasses the Australian Curriculum, setting out the knowledge, understandings, skills, values and attitudes that students are expected to acquire. The curriculum has a twenty-first century focus which includes three cross-curriculum priorities and seven general capabilities.
The Western Australian Curriculum comprises:
Given the phased development of the Australian Curriculum, schools will be teaching some learning areas from the Australian Curriculum supplemented by learning areas described in the former Western Australian Curriculum Framework. As the Australian Curriculum is developed, it will gradually replace the Curriculum Framework in Western Australia.
In Western Australia the Pre-primary to Year 10 Phase 2 and Phase 3 Australian Curriculum which includes Geography, Civics and Citizenship, Business and Economics, the Arts, Health and Physical Education, Technologies and Languages will only be implemented once the curriculum is in a form that is suitable for Western Australian schools and the achievement standards, work samples and judging standards support materials are fully developed.
The Guiding Principles for Western Australian Schools promote equity and excellence in Western Australian schools. They ensure that schooling contributes to a cohesive society that respects and appreciates cultural, social and religious diversity and provides learning that meets the educational needs of young Western Australians
The Western Australian Values of Schooling articulate what educators in Western Australia believe all students should value as a result of the programs they undertake.
The Principles of Teaching, Learning and Assessment focus on the provision of a school and class environment that is intellectually, socially and physically supportive of learning. The principles assist whole-school planning and individual classroom practice. It is essential, therefore, to ensure that there is a shared understanding of them within particular school communities and a collaborative effort to implement these principles in ways appropriate to individual schools.